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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-05-20 12:26:55



1.local tyrant

1. 为了捞取救命稻草,各地土豪纷纷改变策略,争相披上开明绅士的外衣。

In order to save himself, the larger landholder abruptly changed tactics, and began to adopt a protective liberal coloring.

2. 用“打土豪”罚款的方法筹措军费,只能是临时的和部分的。

Expropriation of the local tyrants was only a temporary measure to defray part of the army's expenses.

3. 可是,这种政权下移的实践,却由于实际运行中基层政权人员仍由旧有乡村势力(表现为土豪、劣绅)把持而出现了杜赞奇所言的“内卷化”命运。

However, the practice of transferring power appeared involution as Prasenjit Duara said, whose reason was personnel at the grass-roots level still coming from the former country force.

4. 他是一群土豪恶棍中唯一一个堂堂正正的英国人。

He is the one righteous Englishman in a horde of tyrants.

5. 至于红军给养,米暂可从宁冈土地税取得,钱亦完全靠打土豪。

As for the provisioning of the Red Army,rice is obtained for the time being from the land tax in Ningkang,while cash is obtained solely from expropriation of the local tyrants.

6. 仅仅发油盐柴菜钱,每月也需现洋万元以上,全靠打土豪供给。

The monthly cost of these items alone amounts to more than ten thousand silver dollars,which is obtained exclusively through expropriation of the local tyrants.


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